Common Mistakes Committed While Choosing MBA Schools

Singapore is home to several world-class business schools. The country offers unparalleled exposure to students looking forward to foraying into the international economic scenario. Finding the right business school for yourself isn’t a challenge if you’re following a few prudent measures.

And, the first step towards sagacity is to acquaint yourself with mistakes that students generally end up committing while they are in the process of selecting business schools. Please know for a fact that the presence of numerous top-rated business schools in Singapore doesn’t really imply that all its schools are backed by similar credentials. If you are selecting Singapore MBA schools without proper groundwork, then you’re actually committing a major mistake. Here’s a glimpse of a few mistakes that one shouldn’t commit while they’re on the lookout for the right business school in Singapore.

Singapore MBA, Business School Rankings in Singapore

You’re Choosing a School Without Considering Suitability

Is doing an MBA in Singapore worth your money? Considering the prospects, it definitely is. However, consider your own aptitude as well. After all, it is an expensive proposition. The top schools promising the most impressive prospects have a hefty fee structure in place. Talk about roping in world-class faculty and offering unparalleled infrastructure. They don’t come cheap! Do they? The fat pay-check (if you end up with a great job) will come with its share of workload and stress. Would you be able to strike that perfect balance?

Think carefully before committing yourself to a course. There are many students for whom the lure of good pay-check outweighs the consideration of the responsibilities that come with management jobs. Make sure it doesn’t happen with you!

You’re not considering the ranking of the business school

Are you considering the business school rankings closely before enrolling for an MBA course? If you aren’t then you are committing a mistake as well. Do remember that the rankings are not spelt out randomly. They are granted by qualified institutions that take several factors in view while ranking business schools—i.e. their track record, consistency, their performance in the recent past, infrastructure, ability to prepare students for the ever-evolving job market and so on.

Nobody is asking you to obsess over rankings, but to ignore them completely would be equally fallacious.

Groundwork: You are not Exploring all the options

While rankings remain one of the very important factors governing one’s choice of the MBA school, do remember that you shouldn’t blindly go by rankings while making a choice as well. Some students ignore rankings completely. Others solely prioritise rankings. Both the approaches are erroneous. Let us tell you that rankings are important but there are other avenues to explore as well.

There are online communities where you can always procure detailed personal reviews of students or ex-students, ask about prevalent teaching methods, pros and cons, prospects and a lot more! In the process, you might as well be discovering stuff that will end up impacting your decision in more ways than you thought. So, never commit the mistake of enrolling for institutes without considering all these factors!

And, you’re sorted!

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